The Code of Ethics, which was created to protect the company's reputation and protect and increase its brand value, has been prepared to regulate our relations with all stakeholders to which our company is a party and to determine our standard of behavior towards them.
It covers all employees and all our stakeholders within Denim Kumaşcılık.
Our employees affect the corporate image with the decisions they make and the behaviors they exhibit while performing their jobs, and they represent our company in the eyes of third parties. From this point of view, all our employees have the responsibility of protecting the reputation of our company.
When an employee has any doubts about whether the behavior complies with the rules, it is the employee's responsibility to first inform his superior or the Human Resources Department.
In case of a violation in compliance with the Code of Ethics, necessary precautions will be taken, and after a preliminary evaluation, the situation will be transferred to the relevant units and then to the Disciplinary Board when necessary, observing the principle of confidentiality.
Compliance with Code of Ethics
- We respect human rights and act in accordance with all national and international laws on this subject.
We act in accordance with our company's ethical rules.
- We act knowing that we are responsible for the performance, reputation and reputation of our company.
Compliance with Laws
We ensure that our company operations and procedures comply with national and international laws; We expect all our employees to act in accordance with the law.
We expect all our employees to follow the laws and regulations to which they are subject due to their duties and to carry out their work within the framework of these laws and regulations.
Relations with Our Employees
We provide the conditions and environment for all our employees to work in a healthy and safe manner. We make all kinds of investments towards this.
We do not discriminate among our employees in terms of religion, language, race, age, belief, marital status, personal disability, pregnancy, gender or any other personal characteristics. We provide equal opportunities to all our employees.
- We provide a working environment for all our employees within the framework of legal working conditions and fair and transparency principles, starting from the recruitment process.
- We act together and support our employees to increase their qualifications and competencies.
- We respect the privacy of our employees' personal information and comply with all laws in this regard.
- We do not employ children or young workers under the age of 18 in our company.
- Expects all our employees to treat each other with respect; We do not accept any behavior such as harassment, disturbing, arguing, violence, threats, insults, theft, abuse, abuse of office, providing unfair advantage, disrupting business harmony in the workplace.
Relations with Our Customers
We act with the principle of customer satisfaction in all our communications.
- We always act honestly towards our customers and avoid any behavior that would disrupt the long-term trust environment.
- Protects the rights of our customers; We take their demands, objections and expectations into consideration.
- We always offer our customers the best quality products with the best service standards.
- We build the future together with our customers.
Relations with Our Business Partners
We act in accordance with the principle of honesty and mutual benefit in our business partnerships with all our business partners of which we are suppliers or customers.
- We work with our business partners within the framework of the principle of confidentiality.
Relations with Society
We determine our production processes by protecting public health and never give up on this path.
- By developing social responsibility projects, we implement practices that will contribute to our society.
Public Relations
We work in cooperation with governments, organizations or trade associations for purposes such as protecting public interests and improving legal regulations in our industry.
- We do not contribute directly or indirectly to any political activity or support political parties.
- We are not involved in political activities in any way.
Relations with the Environment
We act within the framework of the principle of sustainability.
- We consider the long-term effects of our investments and activities and take proactive measures.
- We pay attention to the protection of the environment, nature and animal health. We make environmentally and nature-friendly investments in our production facilities.
Business Integrity
We carry out all our activities with transparency, accuracy and honesty.
- We do not accept or give bribes, regardless of the size of the possible gain.
- We keep all our financial records to reflect the truth instantly.
Protection of Company Assets
We are sensitive about protecting all kinds of intellectual property rights of the company.
- We protect all kinds of commercially important information, experience and practices within the company.
- We work in a way that our products are not damaged and we constantly improve our applications.
- All machinery, equipment, computers, etc. belonging to the company. We protect assets and use them with care.
Keeping Accounting Books and Records
We keep all accounting records and books of the company in a timely, complete and orderly manner.
- We fulfill and record the company's financial obligations on time.
- We are audited every year by an independent audit institution in accordance with Article 398 of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102
Storage of Documents
We keep all documents that are valuable in terms of legal requirements and company archives under appropriate conditions required by law.
- We keep our books and records in line with the accounting principles and procedures we adopt.
Information Security
We attach importance to the confidentiality of information regarding our practices and products within the company; We take all necessary precautions to prevent this information from leaving the company.
- We pay attention to the protection of the information we learn and the documents we obtain as part of our work, and we take the necessary precautions within the framework of the Personal Data Protection Law.
Using Company Computers and the Internet
We accept that the computers used within the company and the e-mails we generate from company e-mail addresses are the property of the company.
- We take responsibility for all kinds of information, documents, correspondence, materials and data that we share / access both via e-mail and on the internet.
- We do not use these resources offered by the company in bad faith, illegally, or containing insulting or degrading messages.
Conflicts of Interest
We prioritize company interests over our personal interests in our activities.
- We do not accept any gifts that appeal to personal or family interests that may cause a conflict of interest.
- We process the information we obtain during our duty confidentially and do not share it with our family, relatives or people we are in contact with.
- We do not engage in any other commercial activity outside our company, and when there is a situation that may be perceived as such, we immediately share it with our managers.
Fair Competition
We act in accordance with fair competition conditions within our field of activity.
- We do not act jointly with any of our competitors in a way that creates a monopoly, nor do we engage in behavior that could create a dominant position in the market or affect pricing policies.
Violation of the Code of Ethics
When there is a violation or suspected violation of ethical rules, employees must report the situation to or with evidence, if any.
- The notifications made will be kept confidential and the employees making the notification will not be disclosed.
- If malicious or slanderous notifications are detected, this will be considered a violation of ethical rules.